Your new
position? On top of the wave.
Personal growth, as well as individual happiness, are both dependant on the development of one’s own cognitive skills. This also applies to sustaining personal performance capabilities. The sport kitesurfing enables these developments. On top of these facts, kitesurfen nutures the feeling of liveliness and the uniqueness of experiencing the meaning behind ‘the flow’. Re-discover long thought forgotten skills. Kitesurfing will make you feel visible and tangible, it wllows you to comprehend yourself. Performing this sport allows you to inspire your strong self.
(Re)Connect. Self-reflection. Anchor faith.
The sport kitesurfing is an efficient method to re-ignite, or to ingnite for the first time, faith in one’s own self, body as well as skills. These effects allow to enable the formation of stress-reducing coping mechanisms with regards to the daily routine, to personal as well business challenges. In addition, experiencing the sport of kitesurfing enhances resilience and prpomotes inner strength.
The reflection. The kite
is your mirror.
The kite is the mirror of one’s own soul that cannot and does not lie. It is a fabulous training as well as review tool to apply with regards to speedy and positive usage concerning cognitive reframing, obtaining insights for new coaching methods, regarding physical as well as psychological challenges, and the unambigous awareness of one’s own status quo.
Feelings of liveliness &
Experience your flow.
Practicing kitesurfing reveals mental as well as physical blockages enabling regeneration while experiencing the ultimate feeling of flow. No pressure and no hard work involved.
This kind of coaching experience allows leaders and high performers to create space to daily routines, to gain new perspectives as well as to minimes stress inducing situations. The unique atmosphere allows the development of efficient as well as sustainable behavioural mechanisms that promote inner strength to be demonstrated back home.
Every human being encountering a phase in life that is filled with helplessness, listlessness and exhaustion will feel the uniqueness of feeling alive. Moving in the flow creates new thoughts and insights. Answers to open questions in life just happen, bringing clearness and focus. The feelings of peace and content return.
the elements.
Ride to new shores.
Comprehend the interaction
between body and mind.
Why is coaching outside the comfort zone necessary?
The body and soul can only grow once demanded outside the personal comfort zone. Everybody has their own comfort zone, their boundaries necessarily not even known to the person, already limiting possibilities in life. Only the movement outside one’s own personal comfort zone opens the gate to override old and unbeneficial behavioural patterns, enabling peak performance. Personal, mental and physical growth find their roots exactly here as the brain has experienced certain feelings that are the basis of change and growth.
Why do I use the sport kitesurfing for my coachings?
Any lesson to be learned can only be understood and implemented successfully if the core issue has been understood by feeling it. Feelings are therefore necessary to enable success to happen. While experiencing new feelings outside the comfort zone the true thoughts as well as behavioural patterns surface making it now possible to exchange unbeneficial habits with good ones. In addition, the sport of kitesurfing allows to comprehend the interactions as well as magnitude between the body and the mind by feeling it up front. Once understood, new powers grow.
Where is the potential for you?
Hidden potential is revelaed in a short time, delivering the basis to nuture new starting points for your personal peak performance growth. You will enjoy the benefits of flow feeling, making you understand that success comes once you have let go. Understanding this concept is only possible when felt in reality, by feeling its effects. Feeling very valuable to high performers that are constantly thriving to be better.
Your place of comfort & peace.
Feel safe to talk and to grow.
Find inspiration
in kitesurfing.