“Upgrade your energy” #timeout insights

Dare to grow.
Find answers in the waves.
Encounter new shores.
Coaching & recreational kitesurfing.
Experience more than you can imagine.
Find inputs and insights leading you to choose a unique #outofyourbox coaching & kitesurfing #timeout with Kite2Connect. The demands of daily life can put a toll on everyone, unfortunately sometimes to the extent that amazing ideas disappear and human needs are disregarded.
Everyday life demands our resources making it necessary to know one’s personal resources and how to repower these. Being physically strong is one thing, the more important aspect of human strength though is, to be mentally strong and emotionally stable, which then allow you to peak perform the way you want.
Get to know your resources and learn how to outsmart your brain.
The uniqueness.
No pressure. No painful work.
Fly to your inner strength.
The unique effects of Kite2Connect coachings are that any topics disturbing your inner peace as well as diminishing your performance will surface from your subconscious mind without pressure and hard work. Just by indulging in the sport of kitesurfing and moving forward in your own speed, will make you feel what you need to feel in order to accept certain circumstances which in turn will now allow you to grow and strengthen your human resources.
An effective as well as positive side to this kind of coaching is that should a sudden emotional pain arise, it will immediately be overwritten by the unique positive feelings that practicing kitesurfing gifts you. Your inner strength will be empowered, even without talking, as the feelings generated are enough for the brain to move on. In many cases our brain is seeking attention to release certain thoughts and to regain mental freedom as well as power. By feeling these thoughts, that are triggered via kitesurfing, they are released and we experience freedom.
The misconception.
It is a misconception that mental as well as emotional relief only happens once a certain topic has been discussed over and over again. Through my personal experiences, as well as being supported by scientific research, detecting a bothering, important thought alone creates relief and the possibility to move forward. We detect thoughts and topics by letting the kite show us what we need to see, feel and realise. You will be amazed what the kite can do for you and your inner peace as well as strength.

A coaching concept,
that empowers at most.
There is absolutely no necessity to be super sporty or even sporty in order to enjoy Kite2Connect coachings. In the contrary, this kind of coaching will show you what resources are within you waiting to be discovered and used. This will allow you to feel mentally, emotionally as well as physically energised back home in your daily life.
We move forward in your speed, always considering your current stamina. Your coaches and the kite are there to make your growth easy, pleasant and reviving.
Stress and fear.
Positive guideposts.
Every human being experiences their own personal stress as well as magnitude of such. Each experienced stressful situation roots from fear. These fears predominately originate from childhood and influence self-efficacy, self-esteem, the personal stress competence, the experience of purpose, decisiveness, the decision-making process.
Dealing with the roots of stress can be disturbing or can just make one feel overwhelmed, not knowing where and how to start in order to regain strength and power leading to the decision to stay inactive. Kite2Connect coachings create the space and setting to challenge personal stress mechanisms as well as fears in a friendly, calm, appreciative and manner. This kind of coaching allows immediate personal growth and change, both nuturing inner strength and wellbeing.
And just for the record, it does not matter who you are, we are all humans, having the possibilty to encounter challenging times. So it is absolutely OK to step back and allocate time to yourself as well as your needs. And the best part about Kite2Connect coachings is, you can always say you have gone on a fabulous kitesurfing trip making instead of on a #timeout trip.
Our setting.
Depending on your chosen #timeout package it will be either me, Nadja Knauder, alone spending time with you at a chosen kitesurf spot, or it will be an #allround #timeout package including selective partner coaches of mine attending to your needs at a chosen kitesurf spot with other fellow timeouters.
No matter what the package chosen, me and my team, are there to listen to you, to see you, to feel you and to create situations as well as thoughts for you to reconnect to yourself, to strengthen your resources with the aim to give you the tools you need in order to feel alive, empowered and strong in your daily routine. Life quality and wellbeing should become part of you instead of wishing for it.
And even if you perceive yourself as the strongest, healthiest as well as highly educated person concerning your wellbeing, we are all humans and deserve to let go and enjoy relaxing around people that have the passion to support further growth.
Knowing how communication with one self as well as with others is practiced at it’s best, depends on how well you know yourself and this again is the basis of any wellbeing, success and happiness in your life.

Choose growth.
Experience the unexpected.
What will happen?
We create situations for you via kitesurfing and coaching that allow you to understand your personal resources, on a physical, mental, emotional as well as cognitive level, by feeling them. You learn how to manage and grow your resources, giving you the advantages of knowing what peak performance just in-time means for your daily routine as well as life. Being knowledgeable about your personal resources and how to take care of these, is the advantage needed to perceive your life with options and growth.
Besides kitesurfing and coaching, your #outofthebox #timeout can contain physiotherapy, special yoga sessions as well as guided emotional and mental coaching sessions by our psychologist, while being at the beach, at a distant from your daily routine, experiencing magic and feeling absolutely open as well as comfortable to enjoy new knowledge.
Choose selfcare.
What can happen?
In our daily hustle we tend to forget about ourselves and our basic needs. Should you have neglected yourself to an extend where your resources are moving towards depletion then you will be faced with that truth. When this happens, no worries, we are all there to replenish your resources and show you how to avoid this the next time. Your are always physically and emotionally in a safe place with our coaches.
When reality hits you, be thankful as the beauty is, we always have the power to change once we have regained energy. And even if it sounds unbelievable to you right now, kitesurfing and coaching will give you the energy back that you need to initiate your change. You will be awesomely tired, giving you a deep, blissful and regenerative sleep. Kite2Connect coachings show you how cool it is to be imperfect and to enjoy the journey of growth and glow by having fun and feeling alive practicing kitesurfing.
Enjoy reconnecting with yourself.
Your unique coaching day.
That’s what it can look like.
We start our day by enjoying a good breakfast in a lovely setting. During this time, we shall reflect on your thoughts that are important to you and discuss your personal stamina at that particular day. According to that, your day will be created.
Depending on the package you have chosen, that might also include other coaches as well as fellow #timeouters, it will either be myself or a coaching partner guiding you on the water while kitesurfing. When one of my partners takes over, while you are enjoying kitesurfing and coaching, then I am occupied with looking for a way to create another amazing experience for you that I believe will benefit your cause.
During coaching sessions, you can encounter feelings, situations, and moments, that might trigger something inside of you, demanding attention, and reflexion, driving you to seek more knowledge. If this happens and you wish to seek answers, then we will move forward in that direction. In order to maximise your experiences. During any coaching session, your mental, emotional as well as physical safety always have priority and I and / or my coaching team will advise to rest when the situations demands to do so.
Always in safety.
Sundowner, chilling and reflecting.
After a wonderful day at the beach, I communicate a resume to you, opening the doors to inspiring conversations as well as revelations to you.
My feedback, after a day spend of exploring yourself, are based on the following questions:
- How does your personal stress reflect in your way of thinking, how you behave, your mode of operation as well as in the way you move and speak?
- In what way is your language as well as tone of voice influenced by your current energy level?
- What is your current available level of mental as well physical performance capability?
Together we shall reflect on my suggestions and findings, always in the dose and mode that you feel is appropriate for you.

Inspiring sunset.
If you are up to it after an exiting day on water and land, we shall finish our day enjoying good food and a cosy atmosphere. We can further talk and reflect on your personal findings and how I and / or the coaches perceived you during the day. Or we just enjoy being in company, having talks about life and more, as the most important thing is that you feel connected and at peace.
Peaecul sleep.
Inner peace & unwind.
The next day we start a new journey, orientated by your needs, filled with great moments. We will be moving towards your personal FLOW FEELING. A very unique and powerful state of mindset.
Our vision & mission.
Kite2Connect coachings are based on a scientific research and thesis written by me, Nadja Knauder, and my fellow supporter share my views, philosophy and enthusiasm for human perfromance. All coaches are profoundly experienced, passionate, loving and caring. They understand the importance of human wellbeing in order to lead a healthy and happy life which in turn makes our world a better place. At Kite2Connect we are humans enjoying the journey of personal growth instead of the mentality of perfection. We practice developmental learning which means we never stop learning and enjoy the process of growing.
We are all professionals, in positions that require us to know our performance limits and how to keep our resources plenished. We are perfect and imperfect at the same time. We know how to handle ourselves in order to achieve what we believe in, care for and want to achieve. We know the value of feeling gratitude, happiness and faith.
We deal with life challenges as a human being. We hurt, we fall, we ask for support, we stand up, we grow, no matter which age, sex, walk of life, any human being has the power to grow and move forward.
Sneak preview.
Of a day spend together.
During breakfast we discuss your stamina and plan your kitesurfing session. Should you not be up for kitesurfing, you can either rest, spend time with our physiotherapist, psychologist or with me.
The day is filled with kitesurfing, relaxing, eating, sleeping, physiotherapy, coaching talks or any other occupation that you feel is good for you.
Once the sun has gone down we shall sit together and reflect the day and be inspired by our psychologist talking about various topics concerning human performance.
After that we shall enjoy another yoga session with Michaela, feeling super chilled and ready to leave home before we then all rejoin for dinner.
Of course you can also enjoy your own private evening if you wish to do so.
In addition, our coaches are there for you the entire day and we will coordinate times with them according to your wishes.
with Kite2Connect
Author: Mag. Nadja Knauder
Walding July 2023